Organic Healing Chamomile Face Mist

Sustainable 100% pure organic chamomile hydrosol

for all skin types, especially sensitive, irritated skin, eczema, psoriasis and sunburn

  • chamomile supports healing and soothes the skin
  • instant hydration
  • soothes and brightens the skin
  • helps with skin irritation, redness, flakiness
  • when to use: day and night time, in rooms with dry air
  • best to use on clean skin before oil/ moisturiser, then anytime your skin needs a pick me up
  • the product has been dermatologically tested

Our Organic Chamomile face mist, is a pure hydrosol of the highest quality. Unlike most face mists, this is is distilled 1:5, meaning there is a lot of natural oils and plant extracts inside.

No perfume, alcohol, synthetics have been added.

The ” best before” on the label date runs out in late April, however the product is great to use for the next 6 months.


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Additional information

100% pure Roman Chamomile water, Citronellol*, Geraniol*, Eugenol*,
Linalool*, Farnesol* (* naturally occuring ingredients)






The hydrosol is very sustainable, since it's a by-products of an essential oil production.

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Our Organic Chamomile Face Mist is a great tonic for sensitive skin, outbreaks, dermatitis ( eczema, psoriasis) and any kind of skin trauma. 

How to use it?

We love using our Organic Pure Chamomile Face Mist in the morning, after you wash you face, and during the day as a “skin soother”, especially after being outside in harsh weather. The product has a delicate floral scent, that is very calming. After you spray your face with Chamomile Mist, follow with your oil/ mosturiser, then makeup ( if you use makeup). You can also use it anytime during the day when your skin needs a pick me up. We recommend using it in air-conditioned rooms and spaces with central heating.

Roman Chamomile hydrosol’s benefits include soothing damaged, irritated sensitive skin. It helps with skin redness. It’s a great product to use when your skin needs a little TLC. For centuries chamomile has been used as a first aid for all kind of skin problems due to its incredible healing benefits. Chamomile is safe to use even for very sensitive skin.

The product has been dermatologically tested. Store in a dark place, away from direct sunlight.

What’s a hydrosol? 

Hydrosol is the highly aromatic liquid that remains after steam-distilling or hydro-distilling botanical material, such as chamomile, during an essential oil production. Steam is passed through plant material, and the condensate collected. Hydrosol has similar benefits to the essential oil, however since it’s diluted, it’s safe to apply straight to the skin. Unlike floral waters, which are simply water with added fragrance, alcohol and synthetic preservatives, real hydrosols are hard to find and are proven to have wonderful medicinal and mood enhancing benefits.


Read more about hydrosols here

All our products are local and fully sustainable. We use sustainable plants and seeds that by-products of the European food production and  farming, ensuring huge savings of carbon footprint and water. Local seeds mean little transport and no lengthly storage. Strict EU farming laws also ensure the highest quality of the seeds available on the market, making our products not only sustainable but also of incredible quality.

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